General Ophthalmology
We utilize state-of-the-art technology and expertise from our doctors to offer our patients best possible care using various modalities such as medicine, eye glasses, laser and surgeries.
our services
Speciality Clinics

Children’s Eye Care
Pediatric eye clinic at Lighthouse for Christ Eye Centre is open every Monday for comprehensive examination and treatment of eye conditions affecting children below 18 years.

Cornea Clinic
Cornea is the clear, protective outer layer of your eye. Diseases, infections and injuries that affect cornea can result to scars that affect your vision by blocking or distorting light as entering your eye.

A condition where the lens of the eye becomes progressively cloudy, resulting in a blurry vision. It is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in Kenya and the most common cause of vision loss in people over 4o

Glaucoma Clinic
Glaucoma causes irreversible BUT preventable blindness. It is a condition that is caused by an abnormally high pressure in the eye that damages the optic nerve leading to loss of vision.

Retina Clinic
Retina is located at the back of your eye and contains light sensitive cells that send electrical signals to the brain along the optic nerve. These signals are used by the brain to interpret what you are seeing.

Refractive Errors
Refractive error means that the shape of your eye does not bend light correctly, resulting in a blurred image. The main types of refractive errors are myopia (near sightedness), hyperopia (far sightedness),

Diseases we treat
Some Diseases We Treat
This occurs when high blood sugar damages the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the retina. In response, the body may attempt to grow new blood vessels. Unfortunately, these tend to leak blood into the eye and create scar tissue that can pull at your retina.
This happens when an object pierces the eyeball.
In this condition, abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina and leak blood, forcing the retina to bulge away from the underlying tissue.
A tear in the retina can let liquid from the vitreous seep behind the retina.
This is an infection inside the eye that can cause serious damage. It sometimes occurs after eye surgery or as the result of an eye injury.
our team of experts
Who Is Treating You?

Dr. Irene Makite

Dr. Anne Njeri

Dr. Fredrick Korir

Sawe David Kibet

Amos Chege

Titus Ole Ketemu

Emmanuel Mbaga

Dabson Barasa