General Ophthalmology

We utilize state-of-the-art technology and expertise from our doctors to offer our patients best possible care using various modalities such as medicine, eye glasses, laser and surgeries.

our services

Speciality Clinics

Diseases we treat

Some Diseases We Treat

This occurs when high blood sugar damages the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the retina. In response, the body may attempt to grow new blood vessels. Unfortunately, these tend to leak blood into the eye and create scar tissue that can pull at your retina.

This happens when an object pierces the eyeball.

In this condition, abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina and leak blood, forcing the retina to bulge away from the underlying tissue.

A tear in the retina can let liquid from the vitreous seep behind the retina.

This is an infection inside the eye that can cause serious damage. It sometimes occurs after eye surgery or as the result of an eye injury.

our team of experts

Who Is Treating You?

The eye may seem like a small organ but believe me, there are so many different kinds of doctors who can treat you. The eye team that seamlessly work together to ensure good health of your eye.